AI Enabled Reputation Building

Drive Efficiency & Synthesize Data To Make It Actionable

Utilize the power of our AI to reduce the workload for your team and understand what customers are saying about your brand.

Schedule A Demo   

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Why It Matters

Save Time And Gain Insights By Using The Power of AI

Utilizing AI reduces the time and manpower effort needed to engage customers and analyze data for your business.

Gain Efficiency
Save valuable time
Increase Variety

Write a custom response

See Key Points
Quickly see highlights
Deep Data Analysis

Uncover new insights

% of our customers using AI functionality


% of improved efficiency when using AI


% of customers using our AI that say it has helped save them time


Artificial Intelligence 

Popular Ways To Utilize AI + Reputation

                                                 Use AI to easily respond to messages, reviews, or theme data to show you what customer are saying.


AI Text Responses

Let AI Help You Reply To Reviews and Messages

Get assistance from AI to make responding to messages easier and quicker. Whether you are replying to a public review or having a conversation via text with a customer, let AI effortlessly support you as you engage with your customers.

Popular Features
  • AI response available at the click of a button
  • Utilizes keywords to improve SEO
  • Creates response within a few seconds
  • Response personalized to the content
  • Easily edit, add, or refine to message before posting
  • Regenerate response to change length or tone


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Public Reviews
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Website Chat
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Text Messages
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Social Media


ai graphs
Data Analysis & Visualization

Have AI help theme your data and give you insights

Use AI to see key highlights and gain insights from your customer responses and data. Easily see quick summaries for recent reviews and surveys or do deep analysis with visual charts to see the data more clearly.

Popular Features
  • Summarize public review responses
  • Summarize survey text responses
  • Create custom theming buckets
  • See visuals and charts to interpret data
  • View key positives and negatives

Artificial Intelligence FAQ

Can I edit I responses before they post?

Yes! Our AI tool writes custom responses for you for public reviews or messages but does not post it. You have the ability to read it over, make tweaks, and then post the response. 

Is my data being used for anything else?

No! We are not doing anything else with your data other reading your content and helping you become more efficient and pull out important data points. 

Can use of AI vary within my team?

Yes! The functionality is there for anyone to use it but we understand that some people might want to use it while others prefer to manually respond or use pre-built templates. Everything works seamlessly together. 

Is AI included in all Liftify packages?

Yes! AI is included for review responding and creating summaries for all Liftify customers without any additional charge. For advanced theming and AI charts/visuals there is a separate add on package that can be purchased.