
A Smooth Onboarding and On Time Launch Guaranteed!

Launching a reputation solution for the first time or switching to Liftify from another vendor shouldn't be difficult. We will do the work to make it easy!

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Why It Matters

We believe a successful start is critical to successful long term success.

Too often when purchasing a software or tool, there is little to no implementation help or even worse - the company promises to help and then under delivers. We have had those experiences ourselves and are committed to doing it differently! We pride ourselves on a seamless onboarding experience with our implementation team to help you get started efficiently and also with the right pieces in place to maximize long term objectives.


Our 4 step Implementation Process

We pride ourselves on making the implementation process as effortless and efficient as possible for your team!


Set Up

Our team will do all the heavy lifting to set up your account, get texting numbers verified, and Google and other connections made before the onboarding call.

Onboarding Call

We will set up a kickoff call with your Customer Success Manager and they will lead you through our ReviewMax framework and set up questions to facilitate a clear and smooth onboarding process.


Our team will lead on getting the integration set up and all of the data connected and flowing to the proper place. We will guide through any steps needed on the customer end.


Once the integration is completed, everything is tested through our QA process, and approved on the customer side - we are ready to launch!
Set up

1. Our Team will set everything up and be ready to show you on the onboarding call

% of customers account set up within 48 hours


Onboarding Call

2. using our ReviewMax Framework, Your customer success manager will walk you through steps to get started and maximizing results

% more reviews earned when customers follow our ReviewMax process



Determining the optimal timing for a request based on your industry and business.


Building a process to consistently request reviews for your business

Data Quality

Analyzing a baseline and consistently measuring to ensure maximized success.


Utilize our suite of tools to maximize reviews with field and follow up processes.

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3. Our integrations team will set up the connection and test to make sure the data is flowing properly

% of customers fully automated


% more customers asked when automation in place


% more reviews earned when automated



Launch Your First Campaign & Start Building A Stronger Reputation and driving results that drive positive outcomes for the business

% of customers that launch first campaign in 14 days or less



Benefits of our easy implementation process

We Handle Set up
Our team will do the heavy lifting to get everything set up and ready.
Live Onboarding Call
Do a live onboarding call with you to walk through the details.
Integration Done For You
Our expert integration team will do the technical work for you.
Dedicated Team Member
Ongoing you will have a US based team member ready to assist you.
Use Case

Customer Story: Watergate Roofing

Hear from Watergate Roofing Operations Leader Nick Hargett as he talks about his implementation process with Liftify and how the enhanced support from the team has made getting started and ongoing support from Liftify has made a difference for him and his team.

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